The Great Debate

When it comes to gay Christians, there's one question that causes more debate than any other:  Does God bless gay relationships?  Or are gay Christians called to lifelong celibacy?

At GCN, we have members on both sides of this "great debate," and some who just aren't sure.  And though this issue is hotly debated among Christians worldwide, we've decided not to debate it here.  However, in the interest of discussion and dialogue about this very important subject, two of our members have written opposing essays expressing their very different points of view.

On “Side A” is Justin’s essay. Justin believes that God blesses same-sex marriages.

On “Side B” is Ron’s essay. Ron believes that God calls gay Christians to lifelong celibacy.

Both Justin and Ron are gay Christians, but they have very different views about sex, relationships, and the Bible.  Whether you agree with Justin or with Ron (or perhaps with neither!), you can feel welcome here.